It has been almost 3 months since my last post. It has been somewhat intentional and somewhat inevitable as life has just been so busy. I thought I'd start the new year with a post as a general update about our crazy life right now.
I started a new job as the Elementary Coordinator at our church. I oversee the 1st- 4th grade program of about 200 kids a Sunday. I'm absolutely loving it but its been a huge adjustment working again after being home with my daughter and only Nannying for the past couple years. It has been a great outlet for me to pursue my other gifts and passions outside of motherhood and domestic home life.
Avaree, our 2.5 year old started preschool 2 days a week while I go into the office. She is thriving and LOVES it. Every night she asks me if she gets to go to school tomorrow. When I dropped her off even the first day she told me "go Mommy, go home, I play with my friends!" I cried a little but so thankful she is so independent and confident. No separation anxiety in this little fireball. Here she is on the first day of school...

My husband is still working two jobs to take care of us. He is so amazing. We are praying this fall he will be able to find a teaching position again and also begin work on his Master's degree. He has put so much on hold to allow me to stay home with our daughter and I'm pushing him to pursue his dreams and trust the Lord to provide some of the financial relief we need. Excited to see what God's going to do. Currently, he has to work most evenings which is so sad for our relationship and as a father it just kills him not to be home to eat together, or put Avaree to bed, etc. This will become even harder as we have recently learned that we will soon be....

A family of 4!!! Yep, I'm pregnant! We are thrilled. I'm 15 weeks and have had it rough so far. So thankful to be into the 2nd trimester and praying to escape the extreme "all day" sickness I've had. Avaree is so excited to be a big sister and has already been a big help to Mommy. She is convinced its a girl of course, and my husband is sure its a boy. I have no premonitions so far. The plan is for me to continue to work after some maternity leave... I am only 20 hours a week and have amazing flexibility and ability to work from home most days. We are blessed.

The thing thats been missing lately is any projects, crafts, or creative outlet for this girl. And I AM GOING CRAZY. I did get some pretty decorations up for Christmas (ha, actually they are still up- don't judge hehe) but I haven't taken any pictures. It is time for some projects and now that I'm feeling a bit better, I can't wait to get started. So, I'll do my best to get some pictures up. This blog is one of my New Year's resolutions because I realize how much I just love and need this creative side of me. I've been craving the inspiration of my blogger friends and dying to know what everyone's been up to lately. So, I'm back. I am putting no pressure on myself to meet any blogging goals or expectations. But, simply to continue to use this blog as a chance to connect with others who inspire me, and to give myself the chance to share my own passions and gifts. Thanks to everyone who reads and visits here. I've missed you all!
(Our New Year's Eve dinner party table)
Here's to this new year and all the little surprises to come!