At the last minute yesterday I decided to make some Halloween pumpkin bread (with chocolate chips, of course!) I found these adorable mini loaf ceramics and goody bags at Michael's on clearance and decided to go for it!
We were taking Ava around to some of our close friend's houses to trick-or-treat so I decided we could bring the bread as a little gift. I used my Momma's pumpkin bread recipe, which I posted at the end of this post if you'd like to try it!

Look at these adorable yellow loaf pans! I couldn't resist! Then I found these black and white Happy Halloween bags... I added some black and white ribbon and here's the finished product! Who doesn't love a little black and white with yellow any time of the year... but it fit right in with the Halloween theme as well! And, of course, Momma's bread was delicious as always! Yummy!

Momma's Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Bread
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So excited to eat mine tonight!!!!!! Thank you so much!